#Literacy Matters Conference - Aldine ISD
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am PDT
Matheracy: Bridging the Power of Language and Mathematics Instruction: This presentation will explore the concept of Matheracy—the intersection of mathematics and literacy—and its transformative role in fostering deeper understanding, access, and equity in the classroom. We will highlight how integrating writing, reading, and storytelling in math instruction empowers all students, including emergent bilinguals, by strengthening foundational skills and making mathematical concepts more accessible. Through the lens of Matheracy, we’ll examine how the power of language can demystify complex problems, create opportunities for expression, and enhance student engagement. Attendees will leave with practical strategies to cultivate Matheracy, ensuring that every student can both speak and understand the language of mathematics.
Saturday March 22, 2025 11:00am - 11:50am PDT

Attendees (8)

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