#Literacy Matters Conference - Aldine ISD
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm PDT
Our students are at the heart of learning and are being exposed to new cultures and ideas at such a young age. We are responsible for showing them how this impacts their lives. We need to foster a community within the classroom where students feel safe to share and learn new things. This means going beyond just what the curriculum expects you to teach in order to break down learning barriers! Students are more open to learning when you include them and their customs and cultures. With this presentation, educators will learn how we can incorporate cultural connections with the curriculum we have at hand. CKLA is rich with historical and fundamental information students may not yet be aware of. Through the information learned in this presentation, you will be able to expose students to beneficial, cultural experiences within the walls of the classroom.
Saturday March 22, 2025 2:00pm - 2:50pm PDT

Attendees (6)

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